Friday 29 August 2014

Go Web Scaffolding

So this is something I have been getting around to doing for ages now. Today I was forced to do it, and Im glad.

Little back ground into the day:
A mate at work told me he was starting writing a go web service and wanted to ask a quick couple of questions on how to set up the scaffolding. I though
YES, at last, after all this time of me telling him to use go here we are
 So I start to explain what he needs to do to turn his functions into a web service. This all started to go horribly wrong when I noticed the structure of his code would never work. Not giving up I had 30 mins to try and restructure and explain what I was doing. This did not go well and I ended up breaking his project before having to leave. Now I didn't want to leave this as his lasting thought of go so....... I have created a quick Go Web Scaffolding repo. An hour later I went back to him, pleading I do know how to programme and have created a help guide for all his needs. Big success, I feel we have managed to turn things round and recruited another gopher today!

The repo is

Please feel free to clone and comment on any set up structure you feel is required for a set up web service.

My end game is to run a generator that can create scaffolding projects for go.

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